Sunday, August 30, 2009

Advantages of Floor Tiles

Floor tiles are very popular these days. Let's face it, unless you plan on cultivating mold in your kitchen or bathroom, carpet is a big no-no. Carpet is also quite good at holding onto smells, and as we all know, the kitchen and bathroom can be quite smelly places from time to time.

This now leaves you with 2 viable options. Wood flooring or tiled flooring.

Although some prefer the look, wood is not as durable as tiles and can become easily damaged by damp which is common in a kitchen and bathroom environment. This leaves us with the sensible option. Tiles.

Let's take a look at some of the advantages of a tiled floor and then some disadvantages:

Tiles come in thousands of variations so there is bound to be a look out there to suit your tastes.

Easy to keep clean. This is true even more so with larger tiles. For the ultimate in easy maintenance take a look at some glass tiles.

Tiles are (mostly) waterproof.

If you break a tile, you only have to replace 1 tile.

Tiles can be quieter than, say, laminate flooring which carries sound from room to room.

Now the disadvantages:
The tiles can be cold (although in warmer climates, this could be seen as an advantage).

On a wet floor, some tiles can become slippery which may be of concern if you are elderly or have elderly relatives visiting.

Tiles can be broken by dropping something heavy on them.

Tiles can be quite expensive.

Can be tricky to install if inexperienced.

Tile is heavy. Check to make sure your floor can handle the weight.

With all the pro's and con's of tiles laid out, you can now make an educated decision as to whether or not to tile your floor.

See a large selection of Floor Tiles

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