Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kitchen Remodeling - Drive for Show, Put for Doe

What the heck does a golfing analogy have to do with an article on a kitchen makeover? We could have titled this article 'begin with the end in mind' from that very famous self help book of the 1990's. The intent would have been the same.

We began our kitchen makeover because we had a functional need that was not being met. In our case, the kitchen design was not usable for all of our family members. So, we needed a design which would remove that obstacle.

Along the way, we did have some personal desires that we could accommodate within the functional need and budget, while others ended up on the cutting room floor (to lift another analogy from the film industry... appropriate since we just had the Academy Awards recently).

It is so gosh darn easy to walk into a kitchen design showroom and see the latest materials, the newest trends in counter tops, the fashion trend setting sinks and fixtures, and so on. However, you have to keep in mind the ultimate goal and your 6E7project constraints. Will the design and the materials selected meet the original goal of your kitchen makeover? Will the finished kitchen make things easier or more difficult for you?

You also need to keep in mind the 'fit' that the different materials will have together. If you have a favorite counter top, sink, faucet, cabinetry, drawer handles, flooring and lighting fixtures, will they all go together aesthetically or will you have just created a class of the titans!

As with all other home renovations, don't be caught off guard by the glitz and glamour of the kitchen showrooms, the TV shows and magazine covers. Make sure it will work for you. New kitchens can be very expensive. Be sure you will be able to live with your new kitchen once it is installed. Why? Well, because you will have to, unless you have just won the lottery and can start all over again in a year or two.

To view more of our experiences with our kitchen remodeling effort, simply visit our blog, Daily Home Renovation Tips, at the following resource link:

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