Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bathroom Signs - Not Just For Public Rest Rooms Anymore

Bathroom signs are not only for public rest rooms anymore! If you have a taste for the whimsical, the humorous, the unusual, you can now find bathroom signs that will suit your particular taste. If you wish, you can even build the entire theme of your bathroom around this new, lighthearted trend.


While some people like to have small, framed portraits as a basic part of their bathroom decor, others will get quite a sense of whimsy by instead adding one or more well-placed signs which bear humorous designs and sayings.

Signs For Kids

Children may love to have their favorite cartoon characters in their bathrooms, while teenagers would delight in showing their friends their favorite celebrities, hobbies, and sports on their bathroom walls.

But this new idea in bathroom decorating does not have to stop with the youngsters, as many adults would also enjoy adding a bit of humor to their everyday lives. Catchy little phrases can brighten anyone's day! You can also find signs of a more serious nature, if you would prefer quotes or themes that can give you and your family members something positive to think about as they begin each day.

Be Sensitive To The Feelings Of Others

If you are thinking about adding bathroom signs in your room, it is a good idea to keep in mind that while humor is wonderful, sticking to what is appropriate is best. In other words, it is unwise to display something in your bathroom which your guests or even other family members are likely to find offensive. While you yourself may consider it to be nothing more than personal taste, your grandmother or your boss may disagree.

A good way to go about selecting what you would like to display on your walls is to consider in advance the people who will be using your bathroom. If you have more than one bathroom in your house or apartment, you have much more leeway in how you decide to decorate it than if you have only one which is shared by your entire family and all of your guests. For the latter, tasteful is generally the best way to proceed with any type of decorating themes; and, again, what one person may see as dry or outrageous humor, another may see as being in poor taste.

To Each His Own

If you love the idea of bathroom signs, how can you solve these dilemmas and keep everybody happy? One idea is to keep your mutually-used bathrooms decorated in a tasteful manner in which no one could possibly find any objections; another is to have a separate bathroom where the only appropriateness you will need to consider is your own.

If your sense of humor extends to the truly outrageous, and you want to display it on your bathroom walls, it is a good idea to keep in mind who you will be sharing it with. Or, as a way to both be on the safe side and still express your sense of humor and creativity, you can find bathroom signs that everyone who uses the room will enjoy.

Ernest Jarquio is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more resources on topics such as ion foot bath, corner showers and Premier bathrooms that you can research on his website even while lounging in your living room.

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